This site is really a journey through our lives. Connie and I decided to buy a catamaran a while ago and simply sail around for a bit. I mean life is too short really. And if you don’t grab a big bite of life now, it might all whizz past and before you know it you could be laying in a hospital trying to force out your last breaths wondering where life went.
We decided that before that snuck up on us we needed to fill our lives with memories of crossing oceans, good friends and beautiful places that we wanted to see one day. So now everyday is ‘one day’ for us.
When we began this adventure we were beginner sailors.
So we started our journey by sailing across from the UK to Europe, across the Bay of Biscay and down the Atlantic coast before making our way across the Mediterranean to the far side of Greece.
We then took a sabbatical back in New Zealand before returning for a trip around the Med for this coming year.
We invite you to join us on our journey. It might just inspire you to fill your life with memories that would make a good book or movie. And if not… you can come along on ours. Hopefully it will make a good read, give you a dose of pleasure, and the feeling of living life with a little adventure.