A Handy tool for Golf can be a handy tool for sailors
I have often said that Radar is a great tool, and often that is because its so good at giving you accurate ranges to other
I have often said that Radar is a great tool, and often that is because its so good at giving you accurate ranges to other
After exploring Old Town Dubrovnik, an unplanned dunk into the bay is applauded by locals resulting in a comical end to a great day. Note: beer is involved
The fantastical world and lore of Star Wars and Game of Thrones influence the boating scene near Dubrovnik’s old city walls
For a perfect place, Croatia has it’s imperfections. For 13 centuries they fought fiercely for independence. Today they have much to be proud of from a booming tourist industry, to Nikola Tesla and freedom.
A 23 hour day that was exciting at times, dicey at others, with a snapshot of some of the more challenging action resulting from windy conditions and anchors dragging
We’ve had the best time with friends cruising and sailing around Split. And it’s a ‘home-coming’ for Waiata as she returns to her first home port
There’s a yellow gale warning in place which means anchor well and hunker down at the Wall of Oštrica. Anchor watch and snorkeling still rule the day
We gas up in Split – it’s always a bit dicey coming in to an unknown dock. And then we spy the ‘other’ Waka Waka in our bay where we anchor
We anchor at Badija Island to visit a 14th century Franciscan Monastery and circumnavigate the island by foot … meeting fallow deer along the way
Thanks to the blowing bora, we have a gutsy and gusty sail to the childhood island home of Dida – he’d be so proud that we’ve made it all the way to Korčula