Sometimes, Deeper is better
When struggling to get a good anchor hold, especially when sea grass is the culprit, breaking up the sandy bottom with its roots, going deeper
When struggling to get a good anchor hold, especially when sea grass is the culprit, breaking up the sandy bottom with its roots, going deeper
Wisdom, doesn’t come from conversations, it comes from experience. Live, Make mistakes, grow!!!
I have, on more than one occation, heard a sailor criticise a new sailor for too many mooring lines being attached. There is NOTHING wrong
Action may or may not lead to success, but inaction leads no where at all.
When you tie up to a dock, especially when you have done it a hundred times already. Its easy to just tie up as you
If at first you succeed, you’ve been too lucky the reset of us win through perseverance.
When tying off to bollard in particular the round and two half hitches is a good secure knot that also prevents chafe. Make sure you
The number of times you have falled is only important in the fact that its one less than the number of times you have picked yourself up
When you have to put a line around a bollard or docking ring there is a great potential for it to “Saw” back and forth
A plan is the most powerful view of the future you can create…. and it comes with a blueprint!!!!