What if your happiness is in your present, now?
If your happiness is in your present, then it’s only affected by your past, now is a moment, all you can do is live in
If your happiness is in your present, then it’s only affected by your past, now is a moment, all you can do is live in
When you attach a sail sheet or such like to a sail with a bowline, always tie it with a long loop!! Long loops tend
Lines on a boat, slowly get swollen as they absorb salt and water and also become stiff and inflexible. Its not unusual for a line
Specifically, which part of your life does your happiness come from, your past your present or your future?
We share the weird experience of actually smelling the approach of land, and anchor under the King of Spain’s Summer Palace
You don’t have to believe in God to believe in Soul!!!!
Check out our News Flash announcement about our huge upcoming adventure.. It’s a bit daunting yet ambitiously exciting. And we couldn’t do it without our friends.
When struggling to get a good anchor hold, especially when sea grass is the culprit, breaking up the sandy bottom with its roots, going deeper