The Iridium, Predict Wind Conundrum
Setting up Satellite weather is simple, but not straight forward. You need a satellite device like an Iridium Go, but you also need an account
Setting up Satellite weather is simple, but not straight forward. You need a satellite device like an Iridium Go, but you also need an account
The sails and rigging on your boat are what you use to get where you’re going. More importantly if anything goes wrong with them the
When spending time away from 4G there is only one way to get weather updates and that is Satellites. But critical devices like an Iridium
On a regular basis, check that the shackles on your sails have decent lockwire or zip ties to ensure they can not come undone at
Flying an anchor ball is something only a few boats do, We’ve noticed English boats do very religiously, but then their insurance demands that they
When you need to ascend the mast, you can be raised up the mast itself using a main halyard or topping lift, or you can